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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 12:49 
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Inscription: Sam 25 Fév 2012 19:36
Messages: 4135
Localisation: On the road again.
Nouveau twitt de Kojima qui semble aller avec la théorie qu'il y aurait une surprise le 11/09:
https://twitter.com/Kojima_Hideo/status ... 8963934208

MGS 1 - MGS 2 - MGS 3
"Verweile doch, du bist so schön!"
Dev.de Homebrews DS
"Who cares? MGS4 sucks, case closed."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:12 
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Inscription: Mar 28 Aoû 2012 15:03
Messages: 122
Rom1 a écrit:
Nouveau twitt de Kojima qui semble aller avec la théorie qu'il y aurait une surprise le 11/09:
https://twitter.com/Kojima_Hideo/status ... 8963934208

Sans oublier le fameux site web http://www.ingsoc.org/ et tout le teasing derrière, avec des phrases telles que :

" <!-- You're clever, but not quick enough. There will be future opportunities to leave your mark on the world of Black Hound, so don't touch that dial.-->"

Photo postée ce matin :


Le compte à rebours se finit demain (11 septembre) aux alentours de 16h.


Que voit-on à l'écran lorsqu'Eli dit que "ce n'est pas fini" dans la mission 51 ?

KOJIMA ME TUERA ! :mrgreen:

" I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61! "


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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:17 
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Inscription: Mar 6 Mar 2012 22:00
Messages: 4001
Localisation: 19°54'09.4"N 75°06'00.8"W
Mon Dieu, absorbé que j'étais par TPP, je n'avais aucune connaissance de ce teasing improbable ! :shock:

"Nothing in this world is more complicated than Peace Walker's codename system."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:18 
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Inscription: Sam 1 Sep 2012 13:59
Messages: 4566
Mais .. C'est quoi ce Bordel ?! Kojima si tu pouvais arrêter de jouer avec nos nerfs maintenant :shock:

paupiette a écrit:
Bon bah, j'ai tout essayer et Quiet ne reviens pas :oops:
je le vis très mal c'est brillant c'est sur mais la je me sent comme Kaz, dérobé, amputé.
chapeaux bas l'artiste je ne recommencerais pas le jeux, pas tout de suite je dois d'abord faire mon deuil

Je ne peux que compatir à ta douleur puisqu'elle est mienne également :cry:

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:31 
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Inscription: Ven 27 Déc 2013 21:08
Messages: 1336
Ça concerne quoi le teasing ?
J'ai pas suivi...

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:36 
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Inscription: Sam 25 Fév 2012 19:36
Messages: 4135
Localisation: On the road again.
Surement un gros troll de Kojima. Tout l'album de David Bowie en DLC gratuit dans le jeu !

MGS 1 - MGS 2 - MGS 3
"Verweile doch, du bist so schön!"
Dev.de Homebrews DS
"Who cares? MGS4 sucks, case closed."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:38 
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Inscription: Ven 27 Déc 2013 21:08
Messages: 1336
Rom1 a écrit:
Surement un gros troll de Kojima. Tout l'album de David Bowie en DLC gratuit dans le jeu !

Arfff... j'espère plutôt avoir deux ou trois armes en DLC, y en a pas assez dans le jeux.

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:45 
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Inscription: Sam 17 Mar 2012 23:07
Messages: 492
Keyser44Soze a écrit:
Rom1 a écrit:
Surement un gros troll de Kojima. Tout l'album de David Bowie en DLC gratuit dans le jeu !

Arfff... j'espère plutôt avoir deux ou trois armes en DLC, y en a pas assez dans le jeux.

T es ironique j espère????

Perso mon m4 du début me suffit. Avec mon flingue non létale et mon sniper.


You only need one snake.


The world would be better off, without snakes...

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 13:49 
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Inscription: Ven 27 Déc 2013 21:08
Messages: 1336
NiniBobo a écrit:
T es ironique j espère????
Perso mon m4 du début me suffit. Avec mon flingue non létale et mon sniper.

Oui. Il y a largement de quoi faire dans ce V en terme d'armes.

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 14:02 
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Inscription: Jeu 27 Mar 2014 15:39
Messages: 119
Localisation: sous un carton
Un patchwork pour ce système ultra punitif de FOB serait une bonne surprise pour demain

Ou mieux encore
récupérer quiet

Bon j'arrête avec sa

Ou encore mieux
la fameuse mission 51 coupé au montage

Tu veux qu'on se tire l'oreille ?

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 14:53 
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Inscription: Mar 28 Aoû 2012 15:03
Messages: 122
Résumé de la théorie concernant un "potentiel" événement autour de MGS V arrivant demain.


Je mets tout en spoiler, et c'est en anglais ! Je n'ai malheureusement pas le temps de traduire. Mais en tout cas, ça commence à devenir vraiment bizarre cette histoire. Soit c'est un fake et le mec derrière est ultra chanceux, soit Kojima nous a bien eus !

Just a quick reflection. As interest in this has snowballed, one thing has become increasingly clear. Either this is an official Kojima Ruse Cruise. Or whoever has set this up has been incredibly diligent and very lucky.

(Edit: just a bonus... check out how close Ingsoc and MGSV's logos are: http://i.imgur.com/xmsspDj.png&#41;

(2nd edit: for your sanity, the source code of ingsoc.org indicates the timer ends at 4:20pm PST, meaning 5:20pm PDT - current Los Angeles time - on the 11th September.)

(3.5rd edit: the thread was auto-modded due to reports - the phantom pain is so real, isn't it? - but we are now officially reinstated by our marvelous custodians.)

(5th Edit: additional updates added at end of this post. Covering: ingsoc.org's cipher, more twitter, as well as OmegaChannel's potential authenticity - read it, even if you'd written it off, as I had.)

Below is a copy-paste of my original theory concerning additional content for Metal Gear Solid 5. As of about 35 minutes ago, Hideo Kojima posted this image to his Twitter account, confirming the connections (1984, 9/11 - for the latter, check the track number, bottom-right of Hideo's music player) that I had previously laid out:
https://twitter.com/Kojima_Hideo/status ... 8963934208

Original theory post:
On the 11th September 2015, there will be a major announcement regarding Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Here's why.

TPP is set in 1984. The year that gives its name to Orwell's dystopian masterpiece. The main method of control by Big Brother - the British Government - of Orwell's novel, is Newspeak. A revised version of English used to instill the government's ideology into the populace. A primary theme within The Phantom Pain.
The party that controls the government in Orwell's novel is called "Ingsoc" (for English National Socialism). A website set up earlier this year (ingsoc.org) teases an undisclosed game called "Blackhound." The initial site had "A ##### ###### Game" as its infobar. The hashes match "Hideo Kojima" for character count, and the phrase is "his" go-to phrase.

The ingsoc.org site now has a timer set to run out on the 11th September (an odd date to announce an entertainment product on). If you watch the "deleted" (read: red herring) Mission 51 footage, you'll find at the very end a long shot of Manhattan, with the Statue of Liberty on the left, and the Twin Towers (yes, those towers) on the right. Eli says: "Not yet. It's not over yet." And then we get a "HIDEO KOJIMA" in the middle of the screen. An odd message for him to leave at the end of his final MGS game, if that were intended as the final scene.

(4th edit: @Ken1555 simply types " ? " in response to being asked if ingsoc.org is MGSV related. Obviously, he can't say: "Yes." But then, why didn't he just say: "No"? There's only one good answer to that: because he doesn't want us to stop speculating. And why would he not want us to stop? Presumably because we're the slow-building start of the internet hype for 9/11.)

But wait, there's more.

Remember how Kojima said that between GZ and TPP, he'd do something "you can only do with videogames"? Well, technically, videogames are the only medium where it is possible to send out major post-release updates.
If you release an extra part to a book, that's just another book (or another "volume"). If you release an extra part to a film, that's just another film (or worse, a Director's Cut where some people will continue to insist on the original as the "definitive" version). But if you release additional content to a game? That's a ptch, and is instanlty absorbed into the singular, unified product. That's something unique to videogames. Releasing one version of a work, and then releasing another version, without the second version being considered "separate" to the first.

But the ride doesn't even end there.

MGSV is called, "The Phantom Pain", and Kojima has done the unthinkable, and created something like a phantom pain amongst his audience. The deep and gripping sensation that they can feel something, even though it isn't there. Taking advantage of that which only videogames as a medium can do - patching - made it possible for Kojima to simulate a phantom pain in his audience.
What better way to out-do his own reputation as completely and utterly off his rocker? MGS2 saw the bulk of the game, in which you play a totally different character, hidden from the world before release. MGSV hasn't hidden it's bulk: it hasn't even turned up with it. Think about it: Kojima will go down in the history of this medium, as possibly its first auteur, and a move as bold as this will seal it for him.

Moreover, all this is entirely consistent with all extant material in Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain. Including if you take Mission 51 as canon content. After all, 51 hardly answers any questions, that much is obvious. There's a glaring hole in MGSV: the hole formed by the absence of any content in which you play as Big Boss himself.
And guess what? My money is on Big Boss himself as Blackhound. The black leather jacket-wearing, ever-present yet never-present "member" of Diamond Dogs, who is merely glimpsed in the "true ending" of the current MGSV.
The 11th September will bring the second "part" of MGSV:TPP into the limelight. The Phantom Pain's many references to Orwell's 1984 (its year, themes, and nods such as the posters) secure the connection between it and the ingsoc.org website, whose connection to Kojima and MGS (check "/countdown/new_toy_01.webm") are equally assured. The final extant scene of MGSV connects with the countdown date for ingsoc.org (a date otherwise bizarre to announce an entertainment product upon) complete with a major character fourth-wall breaking into heavy hinting that there is more to the work. The name of the to-be-announced product is also highly compatible with the most likely form that an extension to MGSV would take.

Quod erat demonstrandum.

Things have moved quickly haven't they? Between Kojima's letting slip of "1984" and its position as the 9/11 track, and then Ken mysteriously responding to a query about our little throng here with a mere: "?" On top of all that, there's another Twitter account which, so I am led to believe (I'll let you dig, if you think this matters in particular) is an official marketing account, that just very recently came out with this in response to the queries directed at Ken:

@gray_xof "Little boys shouldn't be playing God for things they know nothing of :)" (https://twitter.com/GRAY_XOF)

The gray_xof twitter account also has its tagline set to "its not over yet". The account hasn't been active, until now, since back in late August before MGSV's release. Make of it what you will.
In other news, I believe I have a potential solution for the infobox cipher on Blackhound's website. Ignoring the "DECODE INGSOC" lines, which are Newspeak/English, and ignoring the giant "X", one can competently produce the following deciphered text:

LOS YOLLXRZ goes to RED HERRING (which refers to the central text of the image, which is very prominent compared to the next piece of text, which is very well-hidden):

A poster on a certain clover-related messageboard also turned up the fact that there is in fact a drinking establishment called "The Black Hound" very, very close to the real Ground Zero - what is now the 9/11 memorial.

Some of you may be aware of a youtube channel called ProjectOmega567ch. I haven't really mentioned it before, because I was by no means convinced that it was in any way official, and I was too interested in the epistemic restrictions on the maker of the ingsoc.org website. However, there is one thing that is undeniably fascinating about this youtube channel. Over the course of the last few years, it has uploaded many videos. Each has a description of just a word or two. If one assembles these descriptions in chronological order, you get this:
code talker the truth is lying don't believe the third line Heed our warning. you are just part of their game of absolute endgame for complete control over entire global dominance this is the only option for mankind to be whole again

And for those who are wondering... the words CODE TALKER are dated through videos of September 12th and 14th of 2013 respectively. I don't know myself whether this predates public announcement of Code Talker's character and name. But if it does, this is proof that the channel has insider information from KojiPro, and can be considered a valid source, like ingsoc.org.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I maintain that there is one key point that is troubling from a purely rational perspective. If the ingsoc.org site is fake, then how did its creator know to hardcode his timer many, many months ago? One can only conclude that, if this is not a Hideo Kojima Ruse(tm), then whoever did set it up got very, very lucky indeed.

" I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61! "


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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 15:03 
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Inscription: Sam 17 Mar 2012 23:07
Messages: 492
Du bullshit ou le nouveau je de Kojima

Il y aurait inscrit a ##### ###### game.

Jeu d horreur certainement.


You only need one snake.


The world would be better off, without snakes...

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 15:41 
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Inscription: Mar 6 Mar 2012 22:00
Messages: 4001
Localisation: 19°54'09.4"N 75°06'00.8"W
7.th a écrit:
Résumé de la théorie concernant un "potentiel" événement autour de MGS V arrivant demain.


Je mets tout en spoiler, et c'est en anglais ! Je n'ai malheureusement pas le temps de traduire. Mais en tout cas, ça commence à devenir vraiment bizarre cette histoire. Soit c'est un fake et le mec derrière est ultra chanceux, soit Kojima nous a bien eus !

If you watch the "deleted" (read: red herring) Mission 51 footage, you'll find at the very end a long shot of Manhattan, with the Statue of Liberty on the left, and the Twin Towers (yes, those towers) on the right. Eli says: "Not yet. It's not over yet." And then we get a "HIDEO KOJIMA" in the middle of the screen. An odd message for him to leave at the end of his final MGS game, if that were intended as the final scene.

BORDEL ça devient intéressant !

Trèèès intéressant.

J'ai justement rematé l'épisode 51 ce matin, et j'ai longuement bloqué sur la photo de Manhattan.

Avec cette réplique d'Eli, en plus ?!

Seriously ?

C'est tellement louche que je m'en veux d'être passé à côté, la première fois (bon en même temps il était 4h du mat' et la veille j'avais à peine dormi à cause de TPP ^^).

Mais enfin, que vient faire cette photo à cet endroit ? Ca commence peu à peu à me rendre fou !


Attendons demain... En tout cas, même si ça s'avère faux, c'est de loin le complot le plus WTF lié à ce jeu (et il y en a eu !).


Par rapport à la photo de Manhattan...

En quelques secondes, à la fin de cet épisode 51, on voit successivement Liquid, puis un enfant nommé "The Third Child", puis le décor de MGS2...

Je n'ose y penser... Empêchez-moi d'y penser, par pitié ! :shock:

Je pensais être enfin débarrassé de toutes ces théories fumeuses. ^^

"Nothing in this world is more complicated than Peace Walker's codename system."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 15:49 
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Inscription: Sam 25 Fév 2012 19:36
Messages: 4135
Localisation: On the road again.
Sans parler des vidéos de la "conversation secrète", extraite des fichiers du jeu PC, qui se font censurer.

MGS 1 - MGS 2 - MGS 3
"Verweile doch, du bist so schön!"
Dev.de Homebrews DS
"Who cares? MGS4 sucks, case closed."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 16:01 
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Inscription: Mar 6 Mar 2012 22:00
Messages: 4001
Localisation: 19°54'09.4"N 75°06'00.8"W
Rom1 a écrit:
Sans parler des vidéos de la "conversation secrète", extraite des fichiers du jeu PC, qui se font censurer.

Tu as un lien ? J'ai toujours pas écouté ça.

"Nothing in this world is more complicated than Peace Walker's codename system."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 16:04 
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Inscription: Sam 25 Fév 2012 19:36
Messages: 4135
Localisation: On the road again.
flying_fox a écrit:
Rom1 a écrit:
Sans parler des vidéos de la "conversation secrète", extraite des fichiers du jeu PC, qui se font censurer.

Tu as un lien ? J'ai toujours pas écouté ça.

MGS 1 - MGS 2 - MGS 3
"Verweile doch, du bist so schön!"
Dev.de Homebrews DS
"Who cares? MGS4 sucks, case closed."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 16:11 
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Inscription: Mar 6 Mar 2012 22:00
Messages: 4001
Localisation: 19°54'09.4"N 75°06'00.8"W
Rom1 a écrit:
flying_fox a écrit:
Rom1 a écrit:
Sans parler des vidéos de la "conversation secrète", extraite des fichiers du jeu PC, qui se font censurer.

Tu as un lien ? J'ai toujours pas écouté ça.

Ah bah voilà.

Encore des références à MGS2.

Bon, ça commence à faire beaucoup tout ça... :|

Sinon, autre chose :

Je vois aussi dans la chronologie finale, à la fin de TPP :

1984 : Eli establishes his "kingdom of the flies" in Africa.

Pourquoi avoir laissé ça là ? :?:

Et évidemment, en 2001, il y a une référence aux attaques terroristes (mais ça ne veut rien en tant que tel).

EDIT: Je ne sais vraiment pas si y'a quelque chose avec ce site Ingsoc, honnêtement ça m'étonnerait. Mais alors cette photo... Si ça n'aboutit à rien, c'est le troll ultime de Kojima.

"Nothing in this world is more complicated than Peace Walker's codename system."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 16:44 
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Inscription: Sam 25 Fév 2012 19:36
Messages: 4135
Localisation: On the road again.
Je pense qu'on a tous cette sensation de travail inachevé et qu'on espère donc quelque chose de magique. Mais ça fait bien longtemps que tout les buzz de kojima se transforment rapidement en pétard mouillé :|

MGS 1 - MGS 2 - MGS 3
"Verweile doch, du bist so schön!"
Dev.de Homebrews DS
"Who cares? MGS4 sucks, case closed."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 16:53 
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Inscription: Mar 6 Mar 2012 22:00
Messages: 4001
Localisation: 19°54'09.4"N 75°06'00.8"W
Rom1 a écrit:
Je pense qu'on a tous cette sensation de travail inachevé et qu'on espère donc quelque chose de magique. Mais ça fait bien longtemps que tout les buzz de kojima se transforment rapidement en pétard mouillé :|

En effet.

Moi, ce que j'ai du mal à croire, c'est que tout soit lié.

Je retiens en priorité la photo de Manhattan. Le reste pourrait tout à fait être une coïncidence (et Dieu sait qu'on en a eu, des coïncidences, autour de TPP...).

"Nothing in this world is more complicated than Peace Walker's codename system."

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 Sujet du message: Re: [SPOILERS] Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain
MessagePosté: Jeu 10 Sep 2015 17:04 
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Inscription: Sam 15 Mar 2014 13:48
Messages: 137
Localisation: Afghanistan(HELP!!!)
Le site en question fait beaucoup référence à Kojima et à MGS, le site existerait depuis le 1aout et certains auraient des images du site en question avant qu'il n'y ai eu de mise à jour.

Et devinez quoi?il y avait le logo FOX sur la page d'accueil, bref sans parler des lignes de codes trouvées et du tweet de Hideo aujourd'hui soit c'est réel soit c'est un troll de très mauvais goût.

Donc évidemment faut rester calme et ne pas se faire trop d'idées de peur d'être très déçu.

Sinon voyez ce que j'ai trouvé sur Reddit :


Un dialogue inutilisé de Kiefer pour MGS V, ça vous rappelle rien?Les stations de metro japonais, la fameuse phrase de Gray Fox quand il pète un plomb et de Raiden dans le nomad.
Ce sont les symptômes de ceux qui ont été manipulé par les patriotes.

Bref on sera fixé demain de toute évidence.
Curieux tout ça!

"You see this...?Diamond Dogs...our new home".


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