Metal Gear Solid
The Story of Big Boss
- Today son, I am going to tell you the story of Big Boss, a Legendary Soldier who had a life full of adventures.
- That's a strange name! Why did they call him that?
- You'll find out soon enough. Let's begin the story...
Once upon a time, there was a young kid named John but people used to call him Jack. Jack became a soldier at a very young age and, when he turned 15, he met a woman who they called "The Boss". She trained him to be the perfect soldier and what he learned influenced his entire life. Then, they both went their separate ways and Jack joined a unit called FOX to serve his country, the U.S.A.
In 1964, during the Cold War, Jack went on a mission in Russia to rescue a soviet scientist that wanted to join the U.S.A. He took the name of Naked Snake and ventured into the jungle. Unfortunately, as he was about to complete his mission, he discovered that his former mentor, The Boss, had joined the enemy side, the Soviet Union, taking with her a very powerful weapon. She almost killed Naked Snake and escaped.
- She's mean! I don't like her!
- She was not that bad, you will understand very soon.
Snake recovered from his wounds and headed back to Russia, with the orders of killing The Boss and recovering the nuclear weapon she stole. After long and fierce battles against the Cobra Unit, The Boss's trusted allies, Naked Snake faced his mentor. In a field of white flowers, he defeated her and killed her with her own gun. The Boss was dead, Naked Snake was now an American hero and was awarded the title of Big Boss for killing his old mentor.
- Well done! She deserved it!
- No son, the truth is much more complex. Snake discovered that The Boss's treason was planned by the U.S. all along. Her mission was to be killed by her student so she would take the blame for a nuclear attack the US were accused for.
- So she was a good person?
- She served her country till the end! So yes, we can say that her sacrifice made her a good person.Saddened by the news, Snake retired from the FOX unit, consumed by guilt.
- Is that the end of the story? What happened next?
- That's not over yet, son. Few years later, in 1970, Big Boss joined a group named The Patriots, created by old allies and members of the FOX Unit. The goal of The Patriots was to fulfill The Boss's dream of a unified world. Unfortunately, Big Boss found that the direction taken by The Patriots was not right. He left the group and became a mercenary.
- He seems like a lonely person, Dad.
- Not that lonely, son. He soon met Kazuhira Miller, who he liked to call "Kaz", and he became his most trusted friend and ally. Big Boss then created his own military group called "Militaires Sans Frontières".
- What does that mean?
- In French, it means "Soldiers without Borders". He wanted to help whoever needed support and he was soon approached by two people, Ramon Galvez Mena and Paz. Their country, Costa Rica, was in need of an army and Big Boss decided to help them and bring peace to the region.
During his mission, he met a child soldier, Chico, and together with his sister Amanda, they lead their guerrilla group to victory and saved the country.Big Boss was a hero, more than ever, leading the powerful "Militaires Sans Frontières" from their Mother Base.
- Is it finished already?
- No son, it's just the beginning of Big Boss' story but it's getting late and you need to sleep.
- But I want to know more, and I'm not even tired!
- You will soon know everything about the Legendary Soldier, I promise!